an earlier post, I listed my priorities when it comes to voting. Having just returned from Michael Moore's Sicko, I must now reorder those priorities to move health care up. I will now vote based on this rough outline: 1. Ending the war in Iraq and rebuilding diplomatic relationships in the Middle East and beyond, 2. Universal affordable free health care for all Americans, 3. Ensuring equal rights for all Americans including and especially the GLBT community, and also those rights diminished by the Patriot Act and other recent legislation, 4. Reducing dependence on foreign and domestic oil through the support of planet-saving alternative energy resources/ legislating to protect the planet.
I'm considering moving health care to the top slot, above Iraq. I'll sleep on it at least.
So go see Sicko if you haven't already, whether you're sold on the need for universal health care or not quite there yet. I don't care if you like Michael Moore or not. He addresses all the concerns: no long waits, no lack of choice in terms of who you can see, no astronomical taxes (and what you might pay extra in taxes, you save in the free medical, dental, *childcare*, six months paid maternity leave, *university education*, and government sponsored nanny programs).
*goes to learn more about candidates' health care plans and the differences in jargon.* Because the power to change this lies in our hands.