Mar 02, 2005 22:42
I used to own a copy, it's one of my favorite manga series, but this particular volume creeps, or I should say creeped, me out. The picture on the front reminded me of someone I know, but that didn't bother me much. The creepy part was, the book would follow me around. At random times it would show up in places I swear I didn't put it, and that picture would be staring at me. Last night I got really ticked off at the person that resembles said picture, and as I was watching Gone with the Wind and quietly seething, I turned and that fucking picture was staring at me! And I snapped. My father came downstairs at 2am to me wielding a kitchen knife and flipping out. I think he's scared of me now. Serves him right. Needless to say, the book is no more. I am torching the remaining pieces now. Burn, Baby, Burn!