I've gotta get in the shower soon and get ready for work, but I have several things I wanted to go ahead and post before I get rolling. First off was the brief but wonderful visit from
tmelvin and her family. They came in on Thursday night and we stayed up way too late giggling and having a few drinks and getting our snack on. It's always nice and refreshing to catch up on old times. Yesterday when we woke up I made breakfast for the crew and then we were pretty much lazy throughout the day. We eventually all got showered and ready and we went out to my "huge little lake" to feed the ducks. While we were there some of the ducks (which I don't know were actually ducks... that's just my generic name for them) got in a huge brawl and I thought they were going to kill each other. It was crazy. For the record, there was no dead duck when we left. After that we came back and sat around a little bit more. The kids napped. Actually... everyone napped except for me I think. I started dinner. It turned out to be much better than I thought it would since I was just throwing things together. I made some tilapia poached with orange slices, onions, and spices with a orange-honey glaze on top. We also had steamed asparagus with an orange hollandaise sauce, garlic-sage mashed potatoes, and corn for steven since he didn't dig on the asparagus. I was fairly pleased with the outcome of dinner.
I had tried to call Gus before I made dinner to invite him over to join us but I never did hear back from him until after we finished dinner and we were sitting around the dinner table contemplating going for ice cream. He ended up coming over so he could join us for ice cream. We went to Cold Stone Creamery and ordered some scoops of crazy fattening but oh so tasty ice cream creations. I was sure that Gus was really irritated with me because after we ordered and got up to the counter he was trying to pay for mine and his and Caty's. I tossed my card out before he had a chance to give the girl his and I think it really got under his skin. It was only 10 bucks and the reason I didn't let him pay was because I invited HIM and he was just telling me the day before that he wasn't going to do anything this weekend because he was kinda strapped for cash. Plus, I like to be the breadwinner. So... no big deal though we did talk about it later and he said that he wasn't upset by it, but I could tell that he was. Back to ice cream... we all sat around and talked for a bit and giggle a whole lot. I laughed until I cried on many occasions. I did have an observation that I need to discuss some other time as it could get a bit more lengthy than it already is. And then there was the moment that we bid our adieu's to the Melvin family. I hope they made it home safely and I didn't get them lost with my directions! We came back to my house (me, Gus, Caty) and he ate some of the yummy dinner and then we all pretty much fell asleep in the living room. I woke up at almost 2 this morning and put Caty in her bed and then took Gus to mine. We had some ass spanking fun and then dozed off hardcore. It made for good times. Anyway - here are the pictures of the ducks from yesterday. I gotta go hop in the shower and begin my day. More later I am sure...
These were the ducks having it out...
Still going....
This was the ducks like 10 minutes later. Still going at it. All those white things in the water were all of their feathers.