Totally productive day ... yippee!

Mar 29, 2009 22:10

 I feel really accomplished after today and I must say... that is a fabulous feeling!  Amazing how much more productive you can be when you aren't quite so sad and emotionally distraught.  I love having days like today where at the end you can reflect back and it feels like you got way more done than there should have been hours in the day for.  That feeling doesn't come too often, so I'll savor it while I can.

I was originally going to get up and go to yoga at the gym at 8:30 this morning.... but I ended up sleeping until about 8:20, so clearly that didn't happen.  Then I was going to go to Tai Chi at 11, but I got started on my day at home and worked right through it.  I don't feel guilty at all about that though considering the productivity of my day.  I got some more decorating and organization done around the house, which was nice.  I got my calendar board and chalkboard hung in the kitchen... went to the apartment and got all the stuff that was above my kitchen counters and decorated a bit in the kitchen with those... cleaned and mopped the kitchen, bathrooms, dining room... decorated my dining table for Spring... did lots of laundry... washed my bedding... cleaned the living room... AND took the cushion covers and down casings off of my sofa and chair and washed those.  I am always amazed at how well those wash and how when I am done it looks and feels like I have a brand new sofa.  I used to try to do that at least twice a year, but I honestly can't remember the last time I did it.  I also was able to have some friend time today too.  Debbie called and said that she and Kris were going to see the BODIES exhibit at Atlantic Station at 4:30 so I decided to give my cleaning a bit of a rest and go with her.  I had been wanting to see that.  It was really cool -  I am always enthralled by the human body so it was quite interesting to me to see it.  I felt like I was cramming in all of my pre-med courses again!  I am not totally sure that it was worth 25 bucks to see it all (although come to think of it... that is WAY cheaper than all those classes I took at UGA), but I'll toss around 25 bucks any day to be able to spend time with friends and get out and about.

I have one more week until my vacation from work begins... and I really hope that I can make it through being halfway productive.  I can definitely tell that I need that mental break from work as each day that goes by I am feeling like it's that much harder to focus and energize.  Part of that, I am sure, is personal things that have been going on with me.  Part of it is the challenges that we have faced business wise and finding it hard to be inspired.  Caty and I aren't really so much going anywhere while I am on vacation.  I have to have all of my stuff out of the apartment by April 7, so I am quite sure that the first two days will be all about getting everything cleaned and cleared from there.  We will finish up the stencil project in her bedroom and hopefully get my bedroom painted and window treatments hung.  I am halfway thinking about having a dinner party or some sort of shindig the weekend of my vacation...  I suppose I need to decide pretty quickly on that so I can get that pulled together.

Ok... off to finish my productive day off with some whitening trays on my teeth since I have been meaning to do that for like the last 6 months now.  Oops!  :)

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