Spring break!!

Mar 05, 2006 21:19

SO the oscars are on and i should be doing my calc homework but right now, i really don't feel like doing homework of any kind...i actually did quite a bit of h/w already tonight so i just don't feel like it... though i didn't do any homework yesterday, which i totally blame on ryan. Well not really, but his parents came at like noonish and we walked around campus with them and went to lunch and stuff...olive garden...good stuff...Yo tengo cinco dias y entonces...SPRING BREAK!!! Too bad i have one week of classes left..that's 14 class periods...actually only 12 cuz my first and last class on friday have been cancelled! But uh, i have an exam on friday at 1:55 which sucks beyond belief. I guess it doesn't really matter cuz ryan has class and we're not leaving for virginia until saturday morning...12 hour drive, defintely NOT looking forward to that one. But i'm actually looking forward to seeing my family for the first time this year...lol its been like 2 and 1/2 months i think. I know i'll get sick of them...well at least one brother and my mom by like sunday night, but i probably won't get sick of my dad or other brother unless they're harassing me or something...but thats what ryan's for..to beat them up...haha not really...and i know i'll be bored after like 2 min cuz i don't know anyone and i don't know where anything is...but thats why i'm bringing my laptop and ryans' bringing his xbox...weird thing he acutally got me to play this video game, indigo prophecy, and i like it! iknow totally un-bethany like but its all good...heres a real shocker, he got me to play halo 2...a very dumb game, but i still played it with him cuz i love him...so the wed. of spring break is our 6 month anniversary yay for us!...and then we're going home (and by home i mean gainesville cuz its our colective home...wow big words...i apologize :)) and friday we going to tampa to stay with his family for the weekend...so i get to go to his church and stuff...i'm sure it'll be fun, after all its the least i could do after putting him through the torture of my family for five days...haha just kidding...it shouldn't be that bad...i hope! lol...we'll find out soon enough...ok i guess its back to homework now...well i should at least start it :) Hope everyone has a good and safe spring break!!!
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