(no subject)

Nov 04, 2005 11:56

1. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a rooster?
A: A Rooster says in the Morning - "Cockll-doodlle-doooooo", while a blonde shouts, "Any-cock'll-doooo."

2. Q: What is the best secretary in the world to have?
A: The one that never misses a period.

3. Q: What do blondes say after sex?
A: "Thanks, guys!".

4.Q: What's the difference between a blonde and The Titanic?
A: They know how many men went down on The Titanic.

5. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Atlantic Coast?
A: There's fewer crabs in the Atlantic.

6. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Grand Old Duke of York?
A: The Duke only 'had' Ten Thousand men.

7. Q: How does a horny guy spell relief?
A: B-L-O-N-D-E.

8. Q: Why was the Blonde Girl smiling as she walked down the marriage eisle?
A: Cos she knew she'd given her last Blow job.

9. Q: Why was the blonde upset when she got her Driver's License?
A: Because she got an F in sex.

10. Q: What do a Boeing 747 and a blonde have in common?
A: Both contain a cockpit

11. Q: What do you say to a blonde with no arms and no legs?
A: "Great Tits!!!"

12. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a blow-up Doll?
A: Around 2 cans of hair spray.

13. Q: Why is a blonde like a stamp?
A: Both get licked, then stuck, and finally sent on their way.

14. Q: Why is a blonde like railway tracks?
A: Cos she's been laid all over the country.

15. Q: What does a blonde say after having multiple orgasms?
A: Way to go team.

16. Q: How can you tell if a blonde has been playing with your Computer?
A: Your joy stick will be soaking wet.

17. Q: Why do saunas remind some people of blondes?
A: Cos both are steamy and wet on entry, and hey, they don't mind if you bring friends.

18.Q: Did you hear about the blonde who tried to blow up her husband's car?
A: She scorched her lips on the exhaust pipe.

19. Q: What's the difference between a Mosquito and a blonde?
A: On slapping a Mosquito, it will stop sucking.

20. Q: Why is a blonde like a shotgun?
A: Give her a cock and she'll be ready to blow.

21. Q: How would a blond interpret 6.9?
A: A 69 interrupted by a period.

22. Q: What does a blonde look like after sex?
A: No idea mate. I'm already long gone....

23. Q: What's a blondes favorite Nursery Rhyme?
A: HumpMe DumpMe.

25. Q: Why is a blonde like a door knob?
A: Cuz everyone gets a turn.

27. Q: Why did they call the blonde "twinkie"?
A: She loved to get filled with Cream.

28. Q: In a Blonde's mind what is long and hard?
A: Grade 4.

29. Q: Why does a blonde have an IQ 1 point higher than a Coppers Horse?
A: So she won't shit on the street during a rally.

30. Q: What's the difference between a blonde track team and a tribe of sly pygmies?
A: One's a bunch a cunning runts.

33. Q: What's a blonde's idea of safe sex?
A: Locking the car door.

34. Q: Did you hear the one about the blonde lesbian?
A: Well, she kept having affairs with men.

35. Q: What is the difference between a blonde and most men?
A: The blonde has the higher sperm count.

37. Q: What does a blonde do if she is not in bed by 10?
A: She picks up her purse and goes home.

38. Q: When visiting Scotland, what is a Blonde's favorite destination?
A: Silicon Glen

39. Q: What do you call 2 nuns and a blonde?
A: Two tight ends and a wide receiver.

40. Q: Why don't blondes eat pickles?
A: Because they can't get their head in the jar.

41. Q: What would a blonde use for protection during sex?
A: A bus shelter.

43. Q: Why do blondes have big bellybuttons?
A: From dating blonde men.

44. Q: Why is a blonde like an old washing machine?
A: They both drip when they're fucked.

45. Q: Why did the blonde cross the road?
A: Forget the road, what was she doing out of the bedroom!?

46. Q: Why does a blond have T.G.I.F. on the front of her shirt?
A: Tits Go In Front.

47. Q: How can you tell who is a blonde's boyfriend?
A: He's the one with the belt buckle the matches the impression in her forehead.

48. Q: Why did the deaf blonde sit on a newspaper?
A: So she could lip read.

50. Q: What's the blonde's idea of dental floss?
A: Pubic hair.

51. Q: What does the Bermuda Triangle and blondes have in common?
A: They've both swallowed a lot of seamen.

52. Q: Why don't blondes talk when having sex?
A: Their Mommies told em never to speak to strangers.

53. Q: Why is a washing machine better than a blonde?
A: Because you can drop your load in a washing machine, and it won't follow you around for a week!

54. Q: What do a 250cc Scooter and a blonde have in common?
A: They're both fun to ride until a friend sees you on one

55. Q: What's the difference between a blonde on her back and a turtle on it's back?
A: Absolutely Nothing - both are totally screwed!

57. Q: What is the definition of the perfect woman?
A: A deaf and dumb blonde nymphomaniac whose father owns a pub.

58. Q: How do you get a blonde off of her knees?
A: Come.

59. Q: What do you call a brunette and 4 sexy blondes on a corner?
A: You don't, you see if you've got 4 condoms

60. Q: What do a blonde and an instant win lottery ticket have in common?
A: Simply scratch the box to win.

61. Q: Why did the blonde tattoo her zip code on her stomach?
A: So her male would get delivered to the right box.

62. It's important to realise that Blondes can't go water-skiing - when their crotch gets wet they think they gotta lay down...

63. It's even more important to realise the big difference between blondes and bitches - a blonde will screw anyone, whilst a bitch will screw anyone but you...

64. It's worth remembering why blondes can't count to 70 - it's cos 69 is already a bit of a mouthful...

65. Q: Did you hear about the blonde with a PHd in Psychology?
A: She'll blow your mind, too.

66. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a limo?
A: Well, not everybody's went to town in a limo!

67. Q: Have you heard about the blonde virgin?
A: She hangs out with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus

68. Q: What does a screen door and a blonde have in common?
A: The more you bang it, the looser it gets.

69. Q: Did you hear about the blonde who had 2 chances to get pregnant?
A: She blew it both times.

70. Q: What did the blondes left leg say to her right?
A: As if they've ever met!

71. Q: What do you call a blonde with ESP and PMS?
A: A know-it-all bitch.

72. Q: What do blonde's do after they comb their hair?
A: They pull up their pants.

73. Q: What do blonde's do with their Assholes in the morning?
A: Pack their lunch and send them to work.

74. Q: What's the link between a blonde and a halogen headlamp?
A: Both get screwed on the front of a Ford Fiesta.

6. Q: What nickname is most used by blonde's in order to boost their popularity?
A: B.J.

77. Q: What is blonde, brunette, blond, brunette ...?
A: A blonde doing cartwheels.

78. Q: How do you know when a blonde's been in your refridgerator?
A: There's lipstick on your cucumbers/courgette/zuchini.

79. Q: What's a 68 to a blonde?
A: It's where she goes down on you and you owe her one.

80. Q: What's the white stuff you find in a blonde's panties?
A: Clitty litter.

81. Q: Why is it that Blonde's always get confused in the Ladies rest room?
A: Well, it's cost they gotta pull their own pants down...

82. Q: Why don't blondes in San Francisco wear short black mini skirts?
A: Because their balls would show.

83. Q: What do you call a blonde with an I.Q of 100?
A: A foursome.

84. Q: What is the difference between a new blonde and an old blonde?
A: Vaseline and Poligrip.

85. Q: How can you tell if a blonde works in an office?
A: There's a fold-up bed in the Stock room and permanent smiles on the Bosses' faces.

86. Q: What is a bellybutton for?
A: It gives a blonde a place to park her gum on the way down.

87. Q: What do you call a blonde with a bag of sugar on her head?
A: Sweet fuck all.

88. Q: Why did the blonde give a b*** job after sex?
A: She wanted to have her cock and eat it too.

89. Q: Why was the blonde disappointed with her trip to England?
A: She found out Big Ben is only a clock.

90. Q: Why did the blonde guy put ice in his condom?
A: To keep the swelling down.

91. Q: Why did the blonde get fired from the sperm bank?
A: Her employer found that she was embezzling.

92. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and your job?
A: Your job still sucks after 6 months.

93. Q: What is the smartest thing that can come out of a blonde's mouth?
A: Einstein's d**k.

94. Q: What do you call a blonde with pigtails?
A: A blow job with handlebars.

95. Q: What did the blonde say during a xxx flick?
A: "Hey fellas, Look! There I am!"

96. Q: How does a blond prepare for safe sex?
A: She puts on rubber based lipstick.98. Q: What does XXX stand for?
A: Blondes co-signing a note.

99. Q: Why did the blonde go half way to Finland, turn around and come back home?
A: It took her that long to discover that a 14 inch Viking was a tv set.

100. Q: What's the difference between a Blonde and a bowling ball?
A: You can only get three of your fingers inside a bowling ball.

101. Q: What do blondes eat to increase their breast size?
A: Silicone chips.

I took this offensively..... who ever wrote these should die.
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