Wow. Just...
wow. 1. The timing is off.
I hear this one all the time in dating advice columns and have never personally observed it in real life. I mean, to a certain degree I guess it's true that people don't get married before they're ready to settle down, but that applies to people, not just men. And the implication that men will marry whoever they happen to be dating when they hit that 'magical stage of life' is, um, insulting. Kind of implies that a wife is a lifestyle accessory rather than a person, which probably goes a long way toward explaining why half of these marriages end in under two years.
2. We're not finished playing the field.
Significant others aren't fucking cars. And admitting that you're a scumbag doesn't actually make you less of one.
3. We're Fixated on the Worst Case Scenario.
News flash: If you get married, and you stay married, you spouse eventually will age, gain weight, develop health problems, and may even become comfortable enough with you that they aren't on constant 'first date' behavior. That's life. If all you want out of a significant other is a gorgeous woman who never criticizes you, buy a sex doll.
The rest of it is just generic 'how to know if you're about to be dumped' stuff, but seriously. Articles like this make me wonder why the women who read them even want to marry these assholes.
Also, doesn't it seem a little strange that the underlying assumption is that women always go into a relationship hoping it will end in marriage? Men admit to having casual relationships like it's this thing that no woman will ever truly understand. Weird.