Another Thought

Sep 30, 2008 20:21

Everyone does not have the right to be happy. People who think this are (in my experience, at least) almost always the sort of people who think they have the right to be happy at the expense of other people.

I guess, more accurately, I would say that everyone does not have the right to be made happy. No one can give you happiness; it's something you have to find for yourself (cheesy and Hallmark-y, but true). Even if they could give you happiness, it's not something you have the right to demand. It's not healthy to have your equilibrium and psychological stability entirely dependent on another person, and it's really not fair to expect one person to be everything to you.

Everyone does not have the right to a relationship. If you're too unstable to have a healthy romantic relationship with someone, for whatever reason, don't get involved with them. This shouldn't really be that hard. You just say "I'm sorry, I don't really feel like I can have a relationship right now." Explanations optional. The alternative is to become an emotionally abusive twerp and leave your erstwhile significant other with as many issues as you have. Emotional abuse is like an infectious disease. Don't spread it.

I've run into a couple of ex-boyfriends recently; can you tell?
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