My mother home-schooled me through most of elementary school. I was a somewhat intractable student, as far as I remember, mostly because I didn't deal well with frustration. If I understand something quickly, I'm fine; it has been my great good luck to have enough native intelligence that I understand most things quickly. If, on the other hand, I
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Talley marks, blocks, or anything you can think of that might help you get a hold of things (money is also good, but that's not always easy to come by in larger sums). If you liked higher maths -- use geometry to help you with fractions (instead of vice-versa).
Then again -- my daughter is the same way with reading (if she doesn't sound out a word right the first time, she is reduced to tears), and I'm not much good at helping her, so maybe my teaching advice isn't going to do you much good -- but just keep taking deep breaths and if staring at a problem too long makes it worse, move along and come back (some computer-based exams don't allow you to go back to skipped problems, so figure that out before you practice that method too much -- but it really is the best solution when you're stuck).
Yeah, the GRE is computer based, and you can't skip around at all. I know I'll ace the verbal part of it, but doing math problems when I can't come back to them later...ugh.
I have a friend who's good at math. She'll gloat, but I might ask her to tutor me. I think if I can watch someone work the problems out in front of me, I might be able to get it. I hope.
This is why I signed up for a test in November. Plenty of time to get the tears and tantrums out of the way now...
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