Well, the story I was concerned about is still stuck, but this one was more cooperative. {chuckle, SMILE}
The tart taste of an apple fresh from the tree - from Akinaj
Stand-alone (so far {smile})
Acknowledgments: I would like to thank my parents for their help. Also betaed by Jennifer.
Word count: 280
Warnings: none
by Anne Elizabeth Baldwin
copyright 2006
Avilee yawned and stretched. There were few things she liked better than a lazy afternoon. She looked up, and realized how close a nice, ripe apple was. If she braced one foot on this branch, and the other on that one, and grasped the branch out there with her left hand, she ought to be able to push herself up and...yes! Grab it, just like that! She grinned broadly.
It was a very good-looking apple, she thought as she polished it on her shirt. It was mostly red, with a pale yellow cheek glinting in the sunlight. Biting into it, she found it was as crisp and tart as a proper apple should be when it's just been picked from the tree. Yes, she thought as wiped apple juice from her chin, there were few things as nice as a lazy afternoon, particularly with tasty snacks in ready reach.
She froze in the middle of her third bite to listen. Yes, those were voices she heard coming down the path thru the orchard. She hurriedly tucked the rest of her apple in her pocket to finish later. Then she reached up to draw her feathered cloak tight around her shoulders....
"Mommy! Mommy! I saw a swan take off out of that apple tree!" a young boy below cried.
"Don't be ridiculous, Forster," the woman next to him scolded as she turned to look at him, "Swans don't like apples."
Ridiculous indeed, Avilee thought, snorting softly to herself as she flew off. Swans didn't eat apples often, though they might if you left some close enough to the water. However, swan-maids certainly did eat apples when they found good ones!
Anne Elizabeth Baldwin