Aearwen's Little Bits - a double drabble - A New Land, A New Life

May 21, 2011 20:47

Another Back-to-Middle-earth-Month prompt brought about this double-drabble, this time the Day #20 prompt from Erebor. This is a sequel of sorts to my previous story, "Foundlings"

Refugee issues are our issues; their plight is our plight. Write a story or poem or create artwork that illustrates the situation of some displaced group in Middle-earth.

"We beg your leave to join our fates to yours, Oropher of Menegroth, for we do not wish to live any closer to where the Kinslayers hunt than we need to."

Oropher nodded regally. "I am most happy to welcome you to the Greenwood, Narthan, son of Alphon."

"Bow to the King properly, my sons…"

Thenidor and Maenor each traced a bow such as they had been taught to make back in their other home, when their other Ada would hold court. This didn't look anything like a real throne room; there was no raised dais, no golden crown, no court musician playing in the corner.

What was more, the man wearing the circlet of leaves and flowers looked familiar. Thenidor's eyes widened in fear. Would the King remember…

But he didn't. King Oropher - they called him "King" now, rather than "Counselor" - was too busy formulating agreements with the Laegren in the area to notice that the twin sons of one of his newest foresters bore a striking resemblence to his old liege-lord.

After all, they all were newly arrived in this eastern forest, far from the tragedies and blood-soaked stones they'd left behind.

A new land, a new life.

drabbles. little bits, b2mem

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