Aearwen's Little Bits - Taters

May 14, 2011 17:11

Last week's drabble was one of my favorites that were written for B2MEM. Day #15 for The Shire, as should be obvious...

The cuisine of the Shire is unsurpassed. Write a story or poem, or create a work of art, featuring food.


Sam's eyes bugged as he stared at the contents of the bowl.

"Taters?" He turned and looked up at his host. "Here?"

Elrond threw his head back and laughed hard, and next to him, Celebrían's chuckle sparkled like the sun off the Brandywine. "Of course, taters. Do you honestly think Frodo and Bilbo would have allowed us to bring them here without any?"

Sam turned and stared at Frodo, who merely shook his head and dished a healthy helping onto his plate. "Eat up, Sam. Aurin requested Rosie's recipe for these, you know."

His first breakfast in Aman was amazing!

elrond, samwise, b2mem

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