Aearwen's Little Bits - a double drabble - Cold Feet

Apr 30, 2011 14:23

This week's drabble - a double - is also from my answers to the Back to Middle-earth prompts. As I mentioned earlier, all of my drabbles, vignettes and stories for B2MEM are part of what I consider my "I Dhaerlend Dadui" story!verse - an overarching and interwoven storyline that starts in the First Age with "Along Came A Spider" and spans the entire timeline of Tolkien's universe, up to the modern Age with "Ghost" and "Comfort" and "The Ties That Bind".

There is one major work that hasn't seen the public light of day yet: "I Dhaerlend Dadui" itself. For that reason, some of the B2MEM prompts won't be posted for a long time. However, some of those I can post offer inklings as to the directions I intend to take with any number of characters. This one being a prime example, written for Day #4 - Mithrim:

There would be no one to frighten you if you refused to be afraid."-Ghandi Write a story or poem or create artwork where the character conquers his or her fears.

Cold Feet

Maglor gazed across the water, feasting his eyes on the tower at Avallonë as a starving man would gorge himself at a banquet table. And yet, he fought with the current that drew him inexorably onwards, striving to hold off the moment of landing for as long as possible.

On the strength of a baseless conviction that had slowly grown in his heart and mind until he could think of nothing else, he had traded all of his other belongings for this boat and set sail westward. But now that he was here, all he could do was ask himself if he had erred. Was he sailing to his death - or to forgiveness? Was mercy even possible for one such as he?

He wouldn't know until he landed. He did know he was beyond exhausted trying to hide his Elven nature from those who didn't understand. His cousin Artanis had sailed home and been forgiven. She had done more to assist in the defeat of the Enemy than he had, though...

It mattered not.

He set aside fear as he trimmed the sail, and pinned his gaze on home. Maglor, son of Fëanor, was ready to face his doom.

drabbles. little bits, b2mem

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