Goes to show...

Mar 19, 2011 17:06

I thought I was getting a CD of the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian - but what did I actually order? A cassette!! O phooey!! Something I'll have to rip when I finally have the cables that will allow me to rip my LPs to MP3s. *sigh* That'll learn me to pay more attention, especially when it's something that can only be acquired through secondary dealers!

On another note, I'm debating putting my B2MEM entries in here. You see, I'm playing exclusively in my I Dhaerlend Dadui sandbox/timeline with them, bouncing all over the map throughout the timeframe; and as such, I'm tipping my hand in a number of ways to things that haven't seen the light of day publically - as well as a few things that I've kept very much under cover until now. So far, they've been displayed only to the members of the Lizard Council, who are about as "up" on my writings as any group could be (they've seen twelve chapters of I Dhaerlend Dadui in first draft mode, for example,) so they understand just how much I'm exposing out of order. They're familiar with my vast cast of OCs that have been created for that whole story!line.

Others who read me solely in here - or solely at Bennas Aeärwen - are not as savvy as to what I've been working on all this time. And so I'm seriously tempted to just leave my entries under their Secured protective umbrellas at LC, and just lay claim to my passport stamps. I'm proud of myself that I've managed to catch up to the point I'm only three days behind the current prompt, and I haven't missed a single prompt other than those as yet.

It's raining today off and on, and I didn't sleep for beans last night between arthritic knee pains and discovering my left ear nearly clogged with wax (which drives me up the wall about once every ten years or so.) I'm cold - my hands are freezing ATM - and I'm sleepy, even though it's still only late afternoon.

Finally... for those whom I left wondering what the upshot was of calling the gas company for a suspected carbon monoxide leak - it turned out that the problem was a faulty alarm. That's right, folks, my daughter bought herself a brand new stove because she had a defective smoke alarm!! Well, not entirely. The stove was bought by my mom in the late 1950's and had come out to California from Minnesota originally. It was a workhorse and too tough to just up and die, but the burners didn't light from the pilot lights anymore (requiring a spark-clicker-thingee) and Súl would complain about smelling gas and getting light-headed when she'd try to use the oven. New stove works like a charm. So all is well over-all. No need to worry about carbon monoxide. We replaced Súl's bad one, and got one of our own, both of which are now installed and protecting us.
Think I'm gonna finish my posting here and at Bennas Aeärwen, make wonton soup for supper, and crash early. And somewhere along the way, I'm gonna try to get and stay warm. Yes, I'm a weather wimp. My wisteria is blooming just outside my window here, the bouganvilla next door is starting to bloom as well. I have ripe lemons on my tree, and my orange trees are loaded. And I'm still cold.


What can I say? I'm a California Flake, from the Granola State (everyone who isn't a fruit or a nut is a flake) and proud of it.

yickety-yack, miscellaneous

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