Aearwen's Little Bits - Departure

Nov 29, 2008 10:43

As I said earlier, I've learned to truly enjoy the drabble. For the last month, I've written one drabble a day - and I'm actually proud of what has emerged. I suppose I could call this collection "Glimpses" instead of "Little Bits", because the focus of each is, for the most part, a different canon character each time - taking place at pivotal moments in their lives. But I'll leave them under the "Little Bits" title, as I've already established that.

And so, without further ado, here is:

Aragorn stared down into the Elven Havens, his gaze skimming the waterline. He was tired, for he had ridden hard since word of the departure had been heard in Gondor.

Why, he wanted to ask, had had no one bothered to send to him for assistance - to call for his presence at least one last time? Surely the friendship they had shared had counted for more than this.

But no ship floated at the docks, and only three saddened hobbits wound their way to him, heading home. Frodo was gone - as was Gandalf.

Now the Fellowship was truly broken.

drabbles, little bits

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