I need this like a hole in the head...

Dec 20, 2010 09:43

I dunno why he pulls this at this time of year...

Hubby has a fever of 102.5° this morning at 6AM. My daughter tells me it was 103° last nite (I had crashed because of not sleeping at all the nite before.) Soooooo... Súl and I will be getting him up and ready to see the doctor in about an hour.

The first time he pulled the high-fever, spacey behavior, mild hallucinations stuff, he ended up in the hospital for 8 days with pneumonia, systemic infection, dermititis, and all sorts of other stuff. Last time, it meant 3 days of going to the hospital ER for him to receive IV antibiotics. Who knows what it will mean this time.

He's been doing so good... Rejuvenating our indoor paneling after almost 40 yrs of benign neglect (mind you, it looks like a million bucks where he's worked now) and putzing around the yard. Putzing around the yard did it to him this year, however, because he got a puncture wound in the leg while trimming back the grape arbor that, evidently, is the reason for the fever this time around. His right leg is red from ankle to knee.

I guess it's to the point that when he announces something either in the yard or in his Man-Cave (aka. "shop") has poked him, it's a call in to the Dr. to get antibiotics on board in a pre-emptive move, rather than wait for him to come down sick. Hubby is a large-sized man, so getting him moving and managing him when balance and spatial relationships are problematic is so much fun. Not.

So far, I've avoided the bronchitis this year. Knock on wood. Everybody else in the family has stayed healthy too to date. The weather is getting to me, though; the arthritis in my shoulders is so bad that I can't turn the pages of my piano music, and my knees sing loudly the moment I try to get up to walk. When it's really bad, I use Hubby's old cane to get around the house and do errands (and he went out to his Man-Cave and made himself a nice one from an old billiards cue-stick in retaliation.)

Now to get Hubby back on his feet, so we don't end up doing hospital visits between Yule and New Years!! That is the absolute LAST thing I need right now...

And it's still raining - that makes two solid days of it so far. I'm tired of it - even though it means that we will definitely have green hills for Yule/New Years. Heck, we had greenish hills for Thanksgiving, and that hasn't happened around here since the first few winters I lived here 46 yrs ago.


The Universe can smile on me again anytime now.


miscellaneous, yickety-yak, minor rant

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