
Aug 29, 2010 09:52

My mom, rest her soul, thought up the concept of "corking". Her explanation for it: "a wine cork serves a useful purpose just by doing nothing but sitting there." That's what I've been doing a lot lately - and I'm trying to become a little more actively useful.

I've rediscovered my love of beading, thanks to a gift necklace given to my daughter for which she wanted matching earrings and a set of old (as in heirloom) earrings for which she wanted a necklace made to match. So... I now have two bracelets and a string of what I call "happy beads" (very shiny & sparkly, and all different colors) to my own name.

I also have some ideas for some bas relief pieces that I'd like to do, and Hubby presented me with two pieces of scrap wood on which to practice. My dad had an old Dremel that I'll use along with a chisel, as soon as I have the design penciled onto the wood.

Add to that the need - and finally the ambition - to start arranging music for the Theosophical Temple in Halcyon that was requested of me a while back. The Guardian handed me this sheaf of hand-wrought music & invited me to modify it for the little choir. After a telephone call this week to make certain how much latitude I had in messing with it (after all, if it was someone's sacred cow, I'd better preserve as much of it as possible, yes?) only to be told "nobody's heard this stuff for ages - call it 'creative license'," I'm about 3/4s done with the new arrangement of the first piece. With luck, the choir will start rehearsing it later this afternoon.

And finally, I'm slowly getting back into the habit of doing light housekeeping, a little every day. I'm certain our horrible dust problem will ease when we have new carpeting, so I'm also chipping away at going through books & stuff that has accumulated over the last 20-some-odd years and throwing everything away that really has no intrinsic or sentimental value whatsoever. I'm no longer keeping stuff just because Mom gave it to me, you see. And so my house is starting to reflect my changing attitude.

Corking is OK, when it's all one has the energy for.

I'm glad I'm finally moving on to something else.

miscellaneous, yickety-yak

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