
Aug 07, 2010 21:30

A little while ago, I wrote a short story as a birthday gift for randy_o. With his permission, I am now sharing that gift with you. This takes place in my I Dhaerlend Dadui story!verse, for those familiar with my two distinct storylines.

Birthday )

elves, legolas, thranduil

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Birthday anonymous August 8 2010, 14:31:58 UTC
Oh how wonderful! Thranduil and his wife reunited in Valinor! And Legolas an adar himself! How great...One of my fav elfs is now home in Eressea. :D

Is Avathar a place in the new land that you hint of in your story lines that you told us you were working on? Soooo exciting!



Re: Birthday aearwen2 August 9 2010, 01:01:58 UTC
Is Avathar a place in the new land that you hint of in your story lines that you told us you were working on?


Actually, Avathar is a canon location - it sits outside the Pelóri on the east coast of Valinor, to the south of the Calacirya. Maps will disagree as to just how wide an area it is from coast to mountains, but I'm positing that they incorporate enough land to need exploring and/or settling.

I Dhaerlend Dadui, on top of being the name of the pivotal novel of that entire storyline, is Sindarin for "The Second Great Journey". If one considers that the First Great Journey was Oromë getting the Elves to come to Aman, the Second such journey would take place in Aman itself, but go "elsewhere".

The novel currently sits at 85K+ words, and I'm now working on Chapter 12. It's a mammoth undertaking, with a huge cast of characters - and several of my "published" stories are part of it: "Light Fingers", "Elladaniel", "In The House of Elrond", "Foundlings", "Along Came A Spider" are the longer works that "fit".

At my ... )


Re: Birthday anonymous August 10 2010, 00:31:07 UTC
Oh I do love those stories you mentioned - well, I haven't read Along Came A Spider, as I have arachnophobia real bad. :(

For some reason, I had pictured that the Second Great Journey would be to an island or land not far from Aman/Valinor itself; but that you say takes place in Aman itself is VERY intriguing to say the least! :)

85,000 words??? Whew! I can't count that high! :D LOL Dare I ask how many chapters you think it will be before it is completed? And can we call it your Magnus Opus? ;) And fwiw, I can't wait to not only see this opus, but to see Changeling as well...will any of the characters from the previously mentioned stories be mentioned in passing in the novel amongst the characters there? Just wondered...



Re: Birthday aearwen2 August 10 2010, 02:28:07 UTC
Yes, characters from previous stories/novels will have their appearances (or at least mention) in IDD: Elladan's wife and father-in-law from "Elladaniel" appear, as do the cook and seamstress from "In The House of Elrond". Mention of characterization accomplished in "Along Came a Spider" will play a key part in events to take place eventually. A couple of folks from "Foundlings" also appear - but they have another tale that includes them still brewing on the hard drive entitled "The Other Peredhil ( ... )


Re: Birthday aearwen2 August 10 2010, 02:37:37 UTC
O yea - I have no idea how long this puppy's gonna be, because I have some very interesting plans for my post-exile Elves in Avathar that will take some setting up to do right. I have Chapter 12 pretty much outlined, tho - and 13 as well, so not only am I writing on the story itself, but I'm working ahead to make certain I cover all my bases and keep all my threads in play. IDD is a *very* complex story.

If you know my private email - or can get a personal message to me here - I have a suggestion for you. Drop me a line.


Re: Birthday anonymous August 10 2010, 22:39:54 UTC

Just sent you an email using my yahoo account. Hope you get it!



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