It's Too Damned Hot!!

Jun 05, 2010 15:52

Mind you, I live on the coast, not in a desert. Yes, I live in California, but being located next to the ocean generally gives us a little more clement weather. And yes, I'm well aware that with Memorial Day weekend behind us, Summer™ has officially arrived.

That doesn't matter. It's over 90°F here today - which is 20° hotter than we normally get. In fact, our usual weather is such that most of the homeowners in this area don't even own air conditioning. We're sweltering, and melting, and just generally miserable here today. This sucks.

On a better note, I'm starting to feel the effects of my resolution to become more active. I have more energy and look forward to actually doing things during the day. And after almost three years of fighting the tendency to swing violently from being bound up to running to the bathroom constantly, things are running smoothly. I can even eat cheese again!!

The news on the family front is better too. #2 son in Oregon reports that he now has a job - and that it fell together easier than most of the jobs he's held so far. Hopefully that means that their entire picture up there will begin looking definitely UP. And Súl is more or less fully moved back into the apartment and now slowly putting the place to rights. It's going to be very different from when my folks had it, or from when L&L had it, but I really like the new decor.

And so it goes. I'm anxious for the sun to begin to set, and temperatures to get back into the reasonable range. For now, however, I think I'm going to go wet a towel and wrap it around my neck as a personal cooling device. I don't like being so sticky.

yickety-yack, miscellaneous

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