This 'N That

May 15, 2010 12:29

Well, we've learned another lesson in what happens when do-it-yourself'ers remodel homes: they don't do things quite the way they should be done.

Mind you, the house here is over one hundred (100) years old total, and has been in its current location for about eighty of those years. It started out a fairly small place, and has been added to and added to and renovated, and added to again - and my folks added to it and renovated it a couple of times after all that. The house is roughly square now, thanks to my folks, who added the last two bedrooms to the place in the late 60's.

The bedroom we're working on for me was probably part of the original house. What use it had is debateable; when we first moved in, there was a natural gas spigot in the area that became this bedroom that my father eventually removed. Well, we tore out the 60+ yr old carpetting in there to discover that part of the room is covered with the old linoleum that I remember being in the old kitchen. The rest of the floor is douglas fir, but there are nasty spaces between the floorboards that would mean that room would be COLD if not covered. The sheet-rock on the walls was put in after the carpetting - and tearing the flooring out actually has damaged the bottom of the sheetrock so that we're going to have to put in baseboards after it's all said and done.

Sooooo... to make a long story short, we're going to just spring and get new carpetting put in - both in the bedroom as well as the hallway. The dividing wall between the bedroom and hall was one of those "build it on top of the carpet" things my dad did in order to give me some privacy before the addition was built. We moved it to create the hallway later on, but the sum and substance of things is that it has the same 60+ year old carpetting, worn through to the floorboards and covered over with shop rugs nailed down.

We'll probably put down the most durable, rental-quality we can find. And it's all good. It will take a while yet, but when it's done, it'll be nice. And once that's all over and done with, we'll start planning on re-doing the kitchen floor - and after that, the living and dining rooms. Considering the flooring in all of those are well over thirty years old, they all need it!!


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