April Fool's Day!

Apr 01, 2010 15:06

I bet most of you didn't know that today (April Fool's Day) is my wedding anniversary - and that's NOT a joke. Hubby and I have been together for 32 years today - and it just doesn't seem possible. Our celebration today - courtesy of daughter Súl and daughter-in-law Míriel - was lunch from a favorite, local fast-food place (OrcuttBurger) and then a nice pot-roast dinner. Hopefully next year, we both will be in better shape to go out to someplace like Red Lobster or a good steakhouse.

In the spirit of the day, however, I offer the following, shamelessly snitched from jkahane, who posted this poem by Jean Wells Rogers, a long-time reader of the Dear Abby columns in the newspapers:


No one goes hungry
All people are fed
The oceans are clean
Lake Erie's not dead.

The Irish aren't fighting
The Arabs love Jews
The swords are now plowshares
Now ain't that good news?

The water's delicious
The air is so clear
On top of a mountain
You see to next year.

Couples stay married
Children are jewels
Sure got you going!


Have a good day, all. And be carefully putting sugar in your coffee! :-D

yickety-yack, miscellaneous

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