Aearwen's Little Bits - Different

Feb 20, 2010 11:19

Oh yea! I know I've mentioned that the original reason I started writing these little mots was a writing challenge at an online writer's workshop over a year ago - the challenge was to write 100 new and original words for 100 consecutive days. When I met the challenge, I was given an awards banner that, until now, I couldn't find. So, just to show you that I did indeed win a "Stubborn Limpet" award, here is the banner they gave me:

And so, here is today's drabble offering:

She gazed at them, standing amid the festive crowd when all she could do was bring herself to sit at the sidelines at events such as this. The Pride of Númenor, they called the King and his Steward, still in their prime, enjoying a lifespan twice that of normal mortals. As for the Queen, she was of the Firstborn and had not aged at all in the past fifty-three years.

But Éowyn knew herself to be different. Already her joints ached and her silver-threaded hair thinned. No matter how she loved Faramir, she would grow old alone at his side.

drabbles, little bits

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