Aearwen's Little Bits - Losing Something Precious

Jun 13, 2009 11:57

Yet another in my series of drabbles. I'm seriously thinking of going back to writing these little things as a way of getting my Muse up and moving in the morning. Maybe if I tell myself that often enough, I'll actually sit down and do it? Ya think?

He looked down past the rooftops of the Havens to where a White Ship waited at anchor. His time of choice was now upon him. He watched Cirdan board the ship and knew: after this ship, there would be no other.

He looked around. Ennor was home. He had fought hard to earn the right to stay, dependent on no Elven Ring nor the whims of the Valar. And yet, all those he loved most awaited him beyond the Sea. Either way, he would lose something priceless from his life forever.

And at last, Thranduil made the only decision possible.

elves, drabbles, little bits, thranduil

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