An Aearwen Update

Aug 28, 2022 09:18

I haven't posted in here except to comment on others' posts for quite a while, so I thought I'd pop my head up to let folks know I'm still upright, breathing and ambulatory.

Had my set-to with The Bug at the end of June, along with JJ, daughter Súl and her fiancé Galadon. Got a text yesterday from my transgendered daughter Vanna to tell me that she and her wife have now fallen to The Bug - probably thanks to a shopping trip. If nothing else (and barring any serious issues with Vanna et all) we all will have received that extra "protection" from having had it. Maybe it will see us through the winter; at least I can hope.

Had numerous natural gas leaks under my house fixed - essentially had to re-plumb most of the gas lines because, when they were originally done, it wasn't known that copper doesn't hold up well. It was expensive, but the savings I'm already seeing in my new gas bill mean that the repair will have paid for itself in a little over a year. That makes it well worth the time and trouble. Bad news was that both my furnaces in my "part" of the house are un-usable for the very same copper issue; so that means we're gonna be using space heaters, dressing quite warmly indoors and using electric blankets when the colder weather comes. And before any of you who live in snow say anything, I know that when I say "cold", I don't mean anything like you guys' "COLD!!!"

Am back to making music for my Theosophical friends - playing for service this morning, as a matter of fact. Gonna just meditate at the keyboard. Then again, the piano is very sadly in need of repair; so it will be interesting whether I sound like I know what I'm doing at all. Hopefully by the next time I play, that problem will be in the past too - but that's on them, no me.

Writing-wise, I'm at an utter standstill. I tinker with things once in a while, but my Muse seems to be on permanent vacation - or else she thinks she can work effectively remotely and just doesn't want to get out of bed. Darn it.

There ye go. My life in a nutshell. Hope you all have a good day.


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