My Thanksgiving Thoughts

Nov 25, 2021 09:05

As an American, I suppose I'm supposed to be celebrating the coming of the Pilgrims to Plymouth and having the Wampanoag tribe help them survive, right? Well, I can't celebrate that. I fully admit I share the same sentiments as many Indigenous Peoples on this continent, that the coming of the Europeans was a tragedy about to unfold, and not something to celebrate. Ever heard of the California Genocide? I'm not ashamed to be who I am with the racial and cultural background I have, but I'm honestly quite disheartened by the blatant inhumanity practiced by some of my ancestors. I cannot, in good conscience, celebrate their actions that led to so much suffering.


Thanksgiving Day is one of my favorite holidays for another reason entirely. For one day out of the 365 alloted to us each year, this one day is set aside to bring to the fore one of the most important attitudes we can possibly have in life. So many only bother to give it lip service on the final Thursday of November, but even just that little bit of effort actually does some good. After all, if one repeats something - however minimal the actual meaning to that one - often enough, some of the message will finally sink in a millimetre or so.

For me - as a Buddhist, gratitude and kindness form the absolute foundation of my practice. Do I chant? Yes, sometimes. Do I meditate? Yes, but not sitting on a zafu with eyes closed (there are lots of ways to meditate, tbh.) But I have dedicated my life - as much of it as I can live in a mindful manner - to feeling grateful for all the many things so many have done to make my life as it is today (which is comfortable) as well as trying to be as kind and compassionate as I can to as many as enter my teenie-tiny corner of the Universe. I try to do so quietly, because blowing my own horn (so to speak) is incredibly gauche and egotistical; having my actions everyday be a consistent example is so much more effective!!

However Thanksgiving Day, to me, is the one day in which I make more noise about a practice of gratitude and kindness than normal. It's the day when I will express just WHAT and WHO I'm grateful to/for:

1. I'm upright, breathing and ambulatory.
2. I have a reasonably decent level of health.
3. I have my five senses that all work to a reasonably decent degree.
4. The air I breathe is relatively free of pollution.
5. The water I drink is relatively free of contaminants.
6. I have adequate food of decent quality.
7. I live in a home that shelters me from both extreme cold and extreme heat, as well as the rain (if only we had a bit more of that one!!)
8. I have family I love who love me.
9. I have friends with whom I enjoy spending time, sharing interests, and discussing things (even if we don't necessarily agree on politics, religion, etc. The debates are both invigorating and entertaining, believe me!)
10. I have the incredibly great fortune to live in a land that is at relative peace, both internally as well as internationally (so many are forced to endure so much worse conditions than mine!)
11. I have the freedom to speak my mind without too much concern for my safety.
12. I can go where I want (pretty much) when I want (more or less) and for as long as I want (whether those on the other end like it or not... :D)
13. I can attend whatever religious/spiritual service or event that I choose without fear of retaliation for the most part from those who believe differently.
14. I have access to the Internet, and all the wonders and miracles that this brings into my home.
15. I can read, and I have an ample supply of hard-copy books to educate and/or entertain me.
16. I have ample clothing adequate to cover my body for modesty's sake that is appropriate for the climate here.
17. I have my pets who help make my life just that much better (nothing better than a purring kitty on the lap in the evening.)
18. I have my piano - without which I'd be absolutely lost (even though I haven't played it lately, it's there for when I'm ready to go back to practicing.)
19. I had parents who loved me enough to make sure I received a good education, good ethical training, good music training, and so many other things that I don't have enough time today to recount them all.
20. I had teachers - both in public school and private venues - who imparted their knowledge to me and in so doing enriched my life tremendously.

Ye know, I'm certain that I could make this list longer, but I think all y'all can get the idea.

So this Thanksgiving, maybe taking a moment or two to make a list would make a nice accompaniment to all the food on the table. It really IS a worthwhile practice to think through the many, MANY ways in which one can be grateful to the people in our lives and to the circumstances that have been ours.



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