2020 Snowflake Challenge #1 & #2

Jan 03, 2020 10:14

#1: Introduce yourself

I am a retired housewife/mother/caregiver with two cats (one indoor and one outdoor) and three kids (one older daughter and twins - one boy and one transgendered daughter.) While I have been writing fan fiction for a goodly share of my life - even back in the day before such a thing actually WAS a "thing - I write primarily nowadays in the Tolkien fandom. I also dabble at writing original fantasy fiction with aspirations of getting published someday. I live in Paradise (Central Coast of California) and have done since I was 10. I crochet gifts sometimes for family and friends, have been known to do beading on occasion, have done macrame and Chinese paper cuts. I am also a musician - and over the course of my life, I have played (with varying levels of competency) piano, violin, flute, recorder, classical guitar and taiko.

My hair is silver, my backside overloaded with lead, and I hear I'm in my "golden years." I think they call that "heavy metal" - but I'm not sure...

#2: In your own space, talk about your fannish history.

Oh boy!

I started, as a kid, 'shipping John Steed/Emma Peel in The Avengers. I really got into fan fiction, however, with The Pretender, and wrote a long series of behemoths that picked up that series from where it was dropped and brought it to a conclusion (some 600k words later overall.) I burned out and took a two year hiatus from writing after the deaths of my parents, then came back to writing in the Lord of the Rings fandom. I've remained more or less active there ever since, although I've dabbled in other smaller fandoms along the way: Broadchurch and Dr. Who principally.

Knowing that DW is having problems cross-posting, I'll be putting this on my LiveJournal blog as well.

snowflake challenge 2020

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