Jul 31, 2018 13:24
This is especially for those whom I don't have friended on Facebook.
My husband is back in the hospital for the seventh time this calendar year with sepsis, this time aggravated by congestive heart failure as well as not tolerating the antibiotics any longer. He is not doing well - has been in for a week with no real discernable improvement. He is both physically and cognatively failing badly.
This is just to let you all know that I'm probably not going to be very active anywhere until things settle down - one way or the other. I have a fair support system, so I'm managing - barely. I'm in a fragile place, however, as Bill & I have been married for over 40 years. This is very hard to watch.
If any of you have, or know anybody who has, diabetes - please!! Do NOT let them ignore it, or brush off advice on eating right and/or other things recommended. Diabetes is a killer. It's the underlying cause of my hubby's problems now. Talk to them, don't let them get away with not doing all they can to mitigate. You do NOT want them - or you, if it's you - to go through what Bill has been through in the last three years.
Anyhoo. That's it. I'll be back when life, in it's infinite complexity, calms down enough that I can be more functional again.
Laters, all.