Crawling out from under my rock...

Nov 29, 2017 15:11

Yes, I am still upright, breathing, and ambulatory - contrary to popular notions to the contrary. What's more, I'm actually starting to write again, so I thought it might be a good time to post a heads-up that I'm gonna be a little bit more active. At least for a while.

My Muse is actually getting down to work on IDD again - much to my relief. It's a huge project that is approaching the denoument stage, and I'd like to be able to type The End on that one. As it is, some of the bits I'll be posting I wrote quite a while ago but only posted to the online LOTR writers' workshop Lizard Council. Since they hold no "spoilers" for anything unpublished as yet (like IDD) I've no idea why I didn't give them a wider audience.

As it is, IDD is one of two novel-length LOTR fics I'm still working on in that particular !verse, and the one on which so much else depends. I want it finished in the worst kind of way, believe me! I also realize I need to continue posting my The Pretender unfinished fic as well - readers there have been pretty patient. Time for me to come out from that rock I've been hiding under for a while now.

Part of the reason I've been so quiet is because I'm dealing with an invalided husband, whose health is only now starting to kinda-sorta level off a bit. He's been in and out of hospital more times than I can remember now in the last two to three years, coming close to outright dying the last few times. This is a tall (he was once 6'3") and BIG, strong man who is now bent to 6' and needs a walker to move around. He has a chronic infection as the result of NOT doing what he was supposed to about his diabetes, compounded with an occasional MRSA flare-up. Sciatica has made it impossible for him to drive a car or even get up & down out of chairs easily. For a while, I was desperately worried he was going to lose at least one leg - and he's still fighting that battle (and maybe, in a teenie little way, winning.)

Lesson to be learned there: if you get a diagnosis of diabetes, do NOT ignore it or the advice given. That disease is horrible, if not kept in control from Day 1!!!

Not knowing when and/or if his health would take a sudden nose-dive that would land him in the ICU yet again can be very taxing on a spouse or support person/family. And the current health care/financial end of things here in the US and in our household is far less rosy than it was "back when". Luckily, my own health continues to lumber on without many large hiccoughs. I have my problems, but (knock on wood) I can continue to steer myself clear of needing ANY prescription drug regamines (much to my Dr's chagrin - he very much wants me to take a statin because my cholesterol level is borderline and BP meds because my BP is borderline, only to have me simply say, "no." I refuse to become a client of Big Pharma, tethered to my pharmacist & giving them blood money every month or so.) I'm good with vitamins, Tylenol for pain (with hydrocodone only for when things are SO bad,) and suppliments.

So anyway, that's what I've been up (or down) to, and now you know that you'll be seeing me more often. Don't say I didn't warn you... :D


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