Signal Boost: MASSIVE Theft of Stories & Profiles from FFN - A Call To Action

Feb 08, 2016 10:31

A HUGE thankyou to bas_math_girl for bringing this to my attention!!!!

ATTENTION ALL FANFICTION WRITERS: THEY'RE STEALING OUR STORIES AND PROFILES FROM FANFICTION.NET!!!! What's more, when I checked, not only had they stolen my profile and complete stories list, but even the reviews those stories had garnered. This is intellectual theft on a massive, unbelievable scale!!

The sites involved are:

This is NOT going under a cut, because it's too darned important!!!

According to the Tumblr post linked to in bas_math_girl's post:

"They are making profit off your stories with advertisements. This is called spamdexing. Please report them. Theft of this hefty magnitude, literally millions of stories, should not go unpunished."

Also included is a most excellent warning:

"Also, do not attempt to log in to any site that looks like but is not. In theory, they could steal your email and password!"

Here's what you do to take action:

"1. Go here:
2. Put in the name of the website (one report each)
3. Write in additional details: This is a spamdexing mirror site to and has stolen my profiles and intellectual property.
4. Click “I am not a robot” and then “Report webspam”
5. Report more by clicking the link on: Go back to the webspam report form."

Note: You need to fill out a form for each of the sites mentioned.

Please help spread the word over all the major social media sites, and let's get this crap shut down ASAP!!!


Editted to add: Another friend, checking out the sites, got a "your system has malware" warning. So check the sites at your risk - and then PLEASE run all virus/malware programs to clean up the mess they make.
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