Yet another meme

Sep 22, 2015 15:42

Found another one of these things, this time shameless snitched from rhapsody11 and maglor_20...

What have you been up to? Major life changes? Same old same old?

I have a hubby who is currently in Intensive Care because he's so highly susceptible to infections. Sepsis, they tell us, probably from the lymphodema wounds on his legs. The current thought is that he may have to be on IV antibiotics for 14 days - whether in hospital or at home isn't clear as yet. However inasmuch as his temperature when he got the ER yesterday was 105 - and he was fading in and out of consciousness - and today it's back to almost normal with him awake and alert (although still very sleep), I'm contented with his progress. I found him collapsed at the end of our hallway, argumentative ("When did you fall down?" "I didn't fall down!" "Well, what are you doing on the floor?" "I'm not on the floor!!"). Scary way to start the day too damned early. Told him today that he will no longer have any option if he comes down with a fever; that he goes to the ER, period, end of statement. When he gets home, I'll let him know that if he tries to argue about it, I'll call 911 and put him in an ambulance. Again. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Men!!! *angry snort* Can't live with them, and they're too big to flush!!! :-p

What fandom are you in/do you spend most of your time in?

LOTR and or Dr. Who. Haven't dabbled in any others for a VERY long time.

Where do you hang out online?

LJ and Facebook.

What are you reading?

My guilty secret is that I like Regency romances, and I read them to relax. But I also like historical fantasy/fiction, like Jerry Dubs' Imhotep series. I'd recommend that one highly.

What are you watching?

I binge-watched the newest season of Longmire, and saw the season premier of Dr. Who. Daughter Súl is trying to get me interested in something called Haven, Arizona Brother wants me to watch The 100. We'll have to see.

What are you making?

Music, when the opportunity (or obligation) comes along.

What are you squeeing about today?

The fact that my husband can carry on a conversation with me for more than 15 seconds without floating off to sleep again. :-/

If you could rope old fandom friends into a new fandom, it would be...

I don't think I'd do that. Folks choose their fandoms for reasons, and I respect that.

I should really watch/read/dive into _______ and then come talk to you about it!

Another author I've come to appreciate is Sharon Shinn. I really need to check to see if her newest is out yet...

What else is on your mind?

Not really. Today is more or less a recuperation day after the agony of yesterday and my husband's illness. At least I slept well last night, so I'm not totally dragging. Sorry I seem fixated on that.

Well, there ye go...


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