SiS gift stories - Thanks, folks, but... Huh???

Sep 06, 2013 13:08

I have four - count 'em, FOUR - gift story notifications from AO3 as part of their SiS event: one each from larienelengasse, lanyon, kalypsobean, and laSamtyr.

Now don't get me wrong. I appreciate gift stories. I've written my share, and I know the work that goes into them.


I didn't participate in SiS. I, as a rule and with very few exceptions, don't read slash. In fact, I haven't been reading much LOTR stuff at all lately, as I'm pretty well involved in working on either original fiction or finishing up some DW WIPs. So to say that I'm suprised and a little confused to receive four - count 'em, FOUR - slash gift stories is a masterpiece of understatement.

I have absolutely NO idea whom these stories were really meant for - and I feel downright horrible that I got a gift notification and the real person being gifted has been utterly ignored.

So if someone - anyone - will let whoever is in charge of the SiS event know that the gifting process went seriously and horribly awry in this particular instance, it would be deeply appreciated.


Aeärwen - (Please note the diéresis/umlaut over the second ä!!!)

On LJ and DW, I believe my username is aearwen2, and at AO3, it is "Aeärwen". There must be an Aearwen there (no special character), and the special character in my username has tripped up something technical... At least, I hope it's something both that simple to explain and that simple to fix.

confused, lotr, sis

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