Happy Independence Day!

Jul 04, 2013 09:51

Magickal Graphics

It's gonna be a good day.

High clouds outside mean that the day won't be a scorcher - which is a real relief. JJ is off at a pancake breakfast hosted by folks he used to work for, so he's having fun. I promised a friend I'd help her with some editing this afternoon (for which she's decided she wants to pay me - which means money for a new harp!) and then daughter Súl and I are going to go to a potluck BBQ later this afternoon, while Hubby wants to watch the tube, swill down some beer and stay quiet. We are NOT paying usurious prices for fireworks - let someone else dispose of their incomes this time around.

I have a lavender, a tomato and a cucumber plant that need to go into the ground sometime soon - as in "sometime before they croak in their little pots" - so I'm hoping to get to that today or maybe tomorrow. Also have major maintenance to do on the four (count 'em: FOUR) fish tanks in the house. Considering the schedule around here, that will happen tomorrow for sure.

So them's da plans, at any rate.

Oh yeah. I've really started enjoying Spotify and all it has to offer. I'm gonna have to see whether the install on my iPhone accesses my playlists, one of these days. Many of the what I thought were relatively obscure artists are there with great music to listen to. I'm actually considering doing the $5/mo monthly fee to get rid of the ads. It would be nice to have all that music available. I use Pandora to find new artists, and then research them with Spotify.

Yeah. I know. I'm nuts.

But you guys knew that already, right? :-D

yickety-yack, miscellaneous

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