Busy, Busy, Busy and HOBBIT!!!

Dec 17, 2012 13:42

It's Monday...

And a gloomy one. No blue sky for us today, and the air is sometimes filled with heavy mist that wants to think about pretending to be rain. Not sure if it was predicted today, but I don't really mind it. The hills around here are turning a gorgeous emerald green before Christmas and New Years - which doesn't happen often enough for me.

It's already been a full day for me today, and the day's only half over. Started out bright and early with a chiropractor's appointment. I'm really getting some benefit from going to this guy three times a week at the moment. I can - not with regularity, but at least I can now - walk up and down stairs like a "normal" person, rather than like an arthritic old lady (despite the fact that's exactly what I am.) It's been two years since I've been able to, so I credit that to a combination of chiropractic and good pain meds (My knees, like my shoulders, are bone on bone, and thus tend to be very painful all the time.)

Then, came home to drop off JJ and pick up Hubby and daughter Súl to head off to SLO for the weekly shopping trip to Costco and New Frontiers. Chiropractor wants me to walk, and so those two huge stores are my huge walk for the day - and I get a lot of the stuff we use over the course of a week then. I'm gluten-free now, Hubby is most of the time and JJ is when I don't buy him anything with gluten in it. :-D

We stopped along the way to pay auto registration for the year, and then Súl wanted us to stop at a couple of places for her to pick up stuff and so she could do her banking.

We're home now for the one-hour respite in the middle of the day - I'm having carrots and dill dip for lunch w/ cranberry juice. In a little while, Hubby will drop me off at the Theosophical temple so I can practice with my organ/piano duet cohort for a while - and I'll be early for that, so I can spend some time polishing up the music I have to play for the Christmas program there this next weekend.

Then, to finish the day off, JJ is taking Súl and me to the 7PM showing of The Hobbit in 3D. I'm really jazzed about that, and it will make for a delightful way to end a busy, busy day.

I'm also jazzed by the fact that I actually was able to practice the little cross-strung harp I have for a reasonable bit of time this past weekend. So I know my arms are getting a little better. Very difficult to learn a new instrument when arthritis makes it impossible to hold the arms up long enough to practice. I hope the weather doesn't mess around so much for the next few, and I might be able to do it again.

Writing-wise, I'm back to plinking on an O-fic I started a few years back - I'm now doing some serious world-building in Maple that should make it easier for me to know the cultures and traditions of my characters so they will react properly to the events I intend to throw at them. It currently sits at about 11k words spread over a Prologue and 1½ chapters. If I use my mind for something other than holding my ears apart, I'll probably start to outline the plot too - which should make it easier to write if I know what's supposed to happen. I've also got ideas that will take me over the writer's block humps in both of my Who-fic pieces, so ultimately it is just a case of what I'm in the mood to work on at any one time.

Not today, tho. Today, I'm music and then The Hobbit. You never know; it just might kick loose the Muse to help me finish IDD at last to re-immerse myself in Middle-earth. I hope so - I'm proud of what I have of it, and I don't intend to leave it dangling unfinished.

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, family, writing, music stuff

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