Yes, I'm still breathing air... barely...

Mar 19, 2012 19:43

It occurred to me to check to see the last time I actually posted anything here, because I'm quite aware that I've more or less vanished from view of late. I think the last time I posted anything personal was in November of last year, and the last piece of writing I posted was way back at the beginning of September.

Yes, there's been a reason. )

yickety-yack, miscellaneous

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Comments 3

engarian March 20 2012, 08:37:02 UTC
Hey GF, I thought you were going to send me a link to some of Sul's nail art? Please do.

I'm glad that JJ's surgery is over and he's back on the road to recovery. It's been quite the six weeks for both of us.

Actually I'm really happy about Squeek and her comfort levels. I've known several people in my life who have gone through hormone therapy and surgery, almost all of them are much happier.

*hugs* and talk w/ you next week - your turn to dial :-)

- Erulisse (one L)


spacellama March 20 2012, 13:54:43 UTC
Good to hear from you, though I'm so sorry about the pain you're enduring. Vicodin makes me feel weird too, so I sympathize with that part even if I can't even imagine the pain levels you're dealing with. Is there a solution in sight? *hugs, but gentle ones* Congratulations to your Squeek. This is a big move, but my guess is that it will make her so much happier. Good job, parents, for supporting her.


galantha_nivala March 24 2012, 01:47:25 UTC
It's good to hear from you.

Wow. Any one of those things would be enough to send most people screaming for the hills. The entire package, all at once...yikes!

I'm really sorry to hear about your arthritis. It's got to be bad if you prefer the Vicodin haze to the pain. Between the two of them it's no wonder your Muse has taken a vacation/run screaming for the hills. Do you know what type of arthritis it is? Maybe there's something more that can be done.

Going gluten and dairy free is a not easy. Almost every type of processed food has one, the other or both. Although on the plus side, once Sul gets the bad stuff out of her system, she'll probably feel better. Would juice help the hypoglycemia? She wouldn't want to drink too much of it, but it might be good for emergencies.

I'm glad the knee surgery went well, but still...ouch! I hope the surgery and the physio help. Ligaments seem to take forever to heal.

It sounds like Squeek is figuring out who she is. It can't have been easy to get there.


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