Jan 11, 2008 11:06
if you need a word-per-word transcription of a full trimester's lectures, including the teacher's inane points and stale jokes in order to pass an exam, i'm sorry, but I DON'T THINK YOU DESERVE A MASTER'S DEGREE FROM UP!
sorry sorry, evil rant lang. focus on the positive stuff...
in other news, my panel interview for citi is on later. (mini rant: i don't see what some of my classmates are fussing about with grades. not one of my job prospects have ever asked for my grades.) i've been reading about the current state of the local and world financial market, some econ stuff (supply and demand elasticity, aiiieee), the organizational chart of citi and other things. i'm kind of excited but at the same time nervous. i don't think i can just gay my way out of this one - it is people from the management team after all (HR Chief + Country Treasurer). anyway whatever happens should be for the best *breathes deeply* (naks, positive thinking or rationalizing failure?). whew.
UPDATE: it's done! it was so much easier than i expected. all we talked about were soft stuff: who i was, my family life, why i shifted to finance, assignments i'd like to get in the bank. so sorry nalang, taylor rule, intertemporal CAPM, orthogonal vectors, or stochastic discount factor - looks like your relevance to my life is yet to come.
the interview feeling unbelievably easy does not comfort me one bit. could they not have been interested in me? but if they weren't, why bother doing the interview in the first place? they both seemed nice though. at the end of the first interview:
martha: ok, that's it. it was nice meeting you kurt!
kurt: are you sure?
martha: yes. i like your profile.
kurt: thank you!
martha: but that is not a guarantee ok (winks). of course we have to discuss this in the committee, and there has to be a fit, but so far, you seem very good.
kurt: uh, thank you.
martha: magandang hapon! (big thing since she's indonesian)
on to the next!
i love you friends!!! :D
MK ansarap ng Amici no? Baka magka frequent diner privilege card na tayo dun. Or bigyan tayo ng Order of St. John Bosco Awardionne for Mucho Consumptionnie of Pizza, Pasta, and Gelatonie :P