Nov 24, 2006 19:56
So that past few days have been kind of eventful; Mypos (my room mate's kitty)swallowed a needle and thread (pink, if anyone is interested) and had to be takento the vet in the middle of the night. $200 later we have confirmed via X-ray thatkitty is indeed equipped to do some gastronomical dinning.
The options were, 1) $2000 surgery to remove the needle from kitty, which shouldreally cost less when one provides the materials needed for her stitches. Or 2) go home (with some gratis kitty laxatives) and hope for the best.
My roomie opted to sift through poop.
Last night, kitty passed the needle. It was still threaded. Kitty is a hero.
We've dubbed her Haystack.
Kitty seemed a little put off by the attention garnered by her bowel movement.