Title: Half-Life 1/?
beanarie &
red_rahlTeam: Romance
Prompt: Silence, Devotion, Bonds, Forever
Word count: ~900
Rating: PG
Warnings: Not for people who don’t like fusion-crossover things, or somewhat anachronistic fairy tales.
Summary: Eames and Arthur are a pair of lovers cursed to never be truly together. Ariadne is a pickpocket who stumbles into their story and becomes part of it. Ladyhawke AU.
Author’s Note:
red_rahl is fantastic.
Artist's Note: I approve of this idea so hard and I'm really glad
beanarie came up with it! I really love the movie (well, not the horrendous 80's fighting music) and I am so looking forward to the rest of this crossover! *flails and flops over*
(And that was how she got caught with her fingers on the innkeeper's purse.)