(no subject)

Feb 18, 2006 18:02

So these people gave me a challenge and i excepted it...here it is:

"therefore, i challenge you to take three pictures. you must be in all three pictures and they must be clearly "you," none of this blurry assed picture bullshit. its the 21st century, im sure you or someone you know as a digital camera. the three pictures in my challenge must be:
1 a picture with you in front of a sign that says "ocala, florida" or some variant
2 a picture of you shirtless (to prove that you have the a&f body).
3 a picture of your choice, the only require is that you are hold a sign that says "i love blahthequah"

after you take these pictures you must post them for all us gay boys to see. if you successfully complete this mission i promise to no longer mock you. in addition there will be some sort of handsome reward"

So i got to geto work lol
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