yo, i haven't been on da computer sincE ummmm a w33k. lolz! well, i gots to do dis freakin play fo church nd stuff. none of da kids dn't even freakin listen. todai, i was playin volleyball. on mah team are AimEE, Cristina C., Crissy, Cristina S., Kayla, Jackie Lynn, Dayna, Ashley, Maria nd myself!!! hahaha!!! yu sux sooo bad, but i want a volleyball team fo mah sk00L. dam, i cn't wait till i get to high sk00L, i could join da volleyball team!!! hhahahaha. yea!!! yeppers!!! lolz!!! gots nutting else to say!!!! buh bye!!! o0oh yu want to see a pic of mah bru!!! his name is........................
[Kris] lolz!!!