i've been so busy with work the past week that i didn't have time to blog at all. i feel that i finally understand what working life is all about? after a long day of work, the few hours you have at night is for resting and maybe meeting up with friends for dinner or spending time with your love ones and when weekend comes, you wanna cherish every moment of it because weekends are the only time you get to do what you want? however, on weekends, it can be quite a dilemma! you wanna stay home and wake up late yet at the same time, you wanna go out and have a life and not waste time lazing around at home? sigh... the life of working people!!
recently, i've been complaining heaaaps to gab that there are just simply too many things that i wanna do but yet so little time? but lucky me, gab dedicated the weekend that just passed for me to do all the things i wanna do. this part may sound damn bimbo but yeah... i got to do my manicure and pedicure (finally!!), my eye brows and shop for more work clothes! so i'm a very happy girl at the moment!! =)
i kinda miss gab at the moment! he's sleeping in his own place tonight and it feels a bit weird that we're not sleeping on the same bed tonight? but i guess it's good in a way because he and i get to have some "me" time? haha if he wasn't sleeping at his own place tonight, i doubt i'll have a chance to type my blog? that's because we would probably be watching Heroes or Prison Break or any other tv shows. anyway, that's besides the point. i miss him now and i bet he's playing his PS3 as i'm typing this.....
oooh, so last week gab and i went KL. it was quite a good weekend, except that Genting was hell boring!!!!!! i guess, when you're not into gambling, Genting is a place that absolutely will not interest you. i defined my weekend as being good because we ate good food, our accommodation was great and hello, we took first class there and back!! =P hahaha... so how can i possibly complain? heeeheee!! i guess the next time when we go there again, i'll probably wanna do some shopping because last week when we were there, i didn't shop at all. i wanna post some pics from our KL trip but the pics are with gab. i'll post it the next time when i get them....
hmmm.. ok. time to sign out! but i'm gonna post this pic which i'm currently in love with first..... =)