Just could not withstand the magnetic forces posseséd of this ...SURVEY!

Jun 05, 2004 00:05

LAST kiss: last [acutally, first] real kiss: Last summer; last platonic kiss: Evan licked my face....eeew
LAST good cry: RotK sometime last week...damn your eyes Pippin!
LAST library book checked out: goodness...I haven't been to a library in ages! Erm...I think it was that poem book "Moses Supposes His Toeses Are Roses"...I kinda just carried it out..never actually checked it out. Didn't get caught...I was only 6.
LAST cuss word uttered: Erm...does bloody count?
LAST beverage drank: water
LAST food consumed: homemade burritoes
LAST crush: still have one...but now is NOT the time to confess. Soon, my precious. Soon...[just have to make sure I am actually moving, for sure....so that there is now..awkwardness].
LAST phone call: Made: To the mam; Recieved: ...erm *ponders* I think it was either Evan or Giovanna
LAST TV show watched: My dad was watching Law and Order [like always] when I woke up from my nap
LAST shoes worn: chucks
LAST cd played: Travis--12 Memories
LAST item bought: Harry Potter tickets [whee!]
LAST thing downloaded: Requiem Aeternam--Mozart
LAST disappointment: I didn't get my report card in the mail today
LAST soda drank: Sparkling Lemonade [is that a soft drink? *shrugs* it fizzes]
LAST thing written: erm....^^ But if you mean by hand then it would be a few dabblings I put down on paper last night
LAST key used: t
LAST words spoken: "Sandy is getting fat dad..."
LAST time wanting to die: I haven't ever wanted to die...I mean, I may have been standing under some tree in the rain afterschool in one of my wierd moods and said "I don't think I would mind being struck by lightening right now and dying." But then...I haven't really been faced with what it is to die....I have not seen much death in my life personally, only been told of it. I think if the time came when I realized I really was about to die, I would be scared half out of my wits. For now, I don't really know what death is, so I can't really be scared of it.
LAST sleep: from 8-10 pm.
LAST time in love: never been in love before
LAST time hugged: this afternoon, by my parentals.
LAST time scolded: this afternoon, by my parentals...for not wanting to eat tomatoes on my burrito.
LAST chair sat in: im still sitting in it
LAST lipstick used: actual lipstic...oh ages ago when I was seeing what lipliner does while waiting for me mum to get ready to go to her party thing. I only wear gloss.
LAST time dancing: real dancing...oh it would have to be New Years at Beth's.
LAST poster looked at: the ones in my room [fotr, ttt, potc, hp, and amélie]

I am in the mood for creativity today...must find where I put my sketchbook.
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