"...in a world of FAN-tasy! whoo!..yipes!"

Dec 01, 2003 20:25

Well, I think I may have ruined my 3 year 'a'-streak. English 2 Pre-AP is hell on earth. All that work on that bloody research project and I get whatever a 205 out of 300 is. I'm to scared to see what the final percentage is...but I know its not good. I have to get out of this class! It's going to be the death of me!

I had the strangest dream last night. Pooter, Poodle and I were sitting where we normaly sit at lunch, except that Shane was there and some other random girl that I either cant remember or didn't know in the first place. We were passing around a bag of those nauseating cheese-covered ruffle-y chips. I think we were playing some derranged sort of "chubby bunny" with the chips. Then, all of the sudden a truck that come pelting towards us and turns into a rhinocerous with a neon yellow shower cap on its head. Then I woke up...

They say that all your dreams are supposed to mean something...I sure would like to know what THAT one meant.

You are Lime.
You are quirky and misunderstood. You are
definitely your own person. You don't let
anyone tell you who you should be. You never
sell out your values and beliefs, no matter
what. However, you can sometimes have trouble
fitting in, but only because you are
Most Compatible With: Wintergreen

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