gambling, stealing, lots of sex-appealing!...

Sep 28, 2003 00:46

well today has been quite entertaining. Last night went over to the erinator's...we watched from hell *swoons* niiiice. Then today we went shopping. I got a skirt, some pants, 2 shirts, a hat, a hair thingy-ma-jigger thang...oh and some earings that jingle. Then we went barnes & noble-ing. LOL-i dont think i have had some much fun in a book store in my life. We spent some time laffing at the funny hair-do's in a book in the humor section and then we went and asked the dude if they had the "Read this while your stoned" book. They didnt :( (haha) I found some good books and then we went to look at the cd's. I got goldfrapp!!

Earlier we had spotted the er,....karma sutra and were cracking up. She wanted to buy it bc it was so funny...but when she went to go get it the old lady reading her newspaper in one of the chairs was watching her and looking at her funny so she made me go get it. Yeah, so i ran out there, snatched it and ran back. When she gave it to the cashier he went "i guess its never too early to learn" LOL...omg it was so funny.

We went to blockbuster later and ran around trying to run away from this creepy hispanic dude who kept following us and staring.....eep! and then we rented this crap movie "thumb wars and thumbtanic"...its all my fault...the stupid cover made me laff and erinator picked out drop dead fred. I like that movie!! I want a fred!! I was gonna get fear and loathing in las vegas....but no--i have to get the THUMBS!....*shakes head sadly*

i feel fat.
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