Title: Shadow
Pairing: KrisLay
Rating: PG
Genre: drabble, historical!au, romance
Word count: 498
A/N: Inspired by the song
Shadow by Sam Tsui. This is part of my drabble collection, the entirety of which can be found
When Prince Yifan was sent by the King and Queen to study in a neighboring kingdom, Yixing watched him pack. Robes lined with gold and jewels, his favorite books about faraway adventures and myths, and other sentimental items disappeared from the drawers and shelves into Yifan’s suitcase.
It was not his place to ask to go along, Yixing knew. If Yifan had asked him to come, he would have agreed in a heartbeat. Yixing’s mother had been one of the cooks in the Wu’s palace, and his father had worked as a butler. Because Yixing was born only two years after the Prince, they had been inseparable since age five. It would, of course, have been inappropriate for the Prince spend so much time with a lowly servant, so Yifan called Yixing his private butler, using the title as an excuse to keep the younger around.
In reality, Yixing was no butler and never has been. He was Yifan’s favorite friend to play with as child, and the two would spend countless hours exploring the Palace, its grounds, and the vast gardens. He was Yifan’s solace after the death of his mother, the Queen. He was Yifan’s companion during his boring lessons on grammar and politics, and Yifan’s lover as he learned about love and the human anatomy.
“Make sure you remember everything,” Yixing said softly. He sat himself down on the corner of the bed, scanning the almost empty room. It almost looked as if Yifan had never occupied it, as if everything that had happened between them had been a dream.
No looking back, no more; not for anything.
Yifan didn’t say goodbye when he finished. He gave the room a long look, then turned his gaze upon Yixing for one wordless hug before picking up his bag and leaving the room.
What's a goodbye good for, anyway?
Yixing watched him through the window as Yifan climbed into a black horse drawn carriage. A moment later, it trundled down the gravel driveway, kicking up dust as it rounded the corner.
Yixing sank down onto the bed again. This time, his whole body shook with emotions, but he willed himself not to cry. Maybe he had not meant as much to Yifan as Yifan had meant to him. If Yifan thought that he would be fine without Yixing, then who is he to disagree? He will learn to live without the Prince; he had no other choice but to move on.
For how long he sat there, Yixing did not know. His whole life had been centered around the Prince and now, nothing was the same anymore.
Suddenly, the door to the room burst open and Yixing looked up in surprise to see Yifan storming in.
“Did you forget something?” Yixing asked, springing to his feet.
Yifan heaved, catching his breath, before grabbing Yixing around the waist and pulling him close.
“Yeah,” he whispered, voice ragged. “I forgot the most important thing, my shadow. I forgot you.”