she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor just for the attention

Jan 12, 2007 09:39

Thursday morning found me in a state of warm contentment. My legs were tangled in the comforter and the air in the dorm was just the right temperature, so the bits that lost the battle with the blankets were not unhappy to be exposed. Alas, as with every satisfying experience, a dash of negativity inevitably pops its head in and gives you just enough perspective to appreciate it even more. My contentment, accentuated by a languid stretch, was marred ever so slightly by the feeling of wetness between my legs.
I do believe I actually rolled my eyes at my body, as if it were a separate entity who was being absolutely obnoxious in my presence… I cannot be held accountable for the inconveniences my body chooses to exploit. *crosses arms* hmph.
… the nerve

Minus the negligible irritation, the morning was still redeemable. I had a fairly good night’s sleep, the construction outside my dorm room hadn’t started yet… all in all happy warm fuzzies lingered about… until I removed the tampon.
And blood came pouring out
And wouldn’t stop
I vaguely remember thinking that my organs had protested my disassociation with my body by liquefying and liberating themselves along with the monthly flow. It was all a MASTER PLAN. The Organ Council had taken my cervix hostage, enslaving the little workers that take care of menstrual regulation and telling them, “She’s not having a baby! SHE’S NOT HAVING A FUCKING BABY. Get to work!” So everyone’s stressed out, the worker dude’s can’t think past the screaming, and this Organ Council is as ferocious as ever. Needless to say, the O.C.’s plan would have been more sly, and therefore more convincing had they waited another two weeks to keep time with the normal cycle….maybe they wanted the press coverage…

In any case, there was an alarming amount of blood puddling on the floor of the bathroom. The initial anger at the mess I had to clean up was smothered by panic, but YAY for defensive mechanisms!! Because the panic lasted two seconds before my breathing evened out and that single-minded level of concentration took over long enough to clean up, get breakfast, and call mother. The tears came shortly after…. And the hyperventilating as nasty little words like cysts, hemorrhaging, and hospital were thrown out there.

The sense of urgency, firmly instilled in my subconscious, gave me the energy to drive to the hospital. The funny little defense mechanism told me to focus on the road and ignore the blood draining from my face, the spinning edges at the corners of my vision, the headache, the growing heaviness in my limbs
The rotten little bastard is going to overestimate my ability one day and something really stupid is going to happen…
Long story long, I was at the hospital for four fucking hours and it turns out that my organs did NOT liquefy themselves. :) but doctors will be doctors and once they’ve ruled out any major causes, they terminate the investigation. Maybe the ob/gyn will have something significant to say on Monday…
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