I haven't written in here in so long, or in my journal in general, but I have a big dilemma. I'm 21 years old, female. So here is my problem and I really need help! So there are two great guys in my life right now. One we will call E, and the other we will call B. I have been seeing E since May. I met him through a friend and we immediately
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E is just using you. He is getting sex and a woman who adores him but with no strings attached. That sounds like a good deal to me. You also aren't "allowed" to date anyone else even though you technically are single. He also claims he doesn't want a girlfriend and you won't ever be offical but he still has you wanting him. All that behavior of his alone is a red flag to me but so is the fact he lied to you about his age. A grown man shouldn't have to lie about something like that.
He sounds like a loser and it sucks to say that he's using you but he is. You deserve better. You deserve someone who doesn't just have sexual chemistry with you but someone who wants a future with you too. To me, sex is an intimate thing and I only want to share it with others who respect me. I don't have to be in a relationship to have sex but at the same time I want to only have sex with someone who is on the same page as me in life. Does that make sense?
I think you should give B a chance. I don't mean jump into bed with him or start a serious relationship with him. I mean, get to know him, go on some dates but don't feel you need to settle down just yet. I know you want a relationship but I feel if you get into one too quickly, it'll end up being a rebound relationship...and you'll always be comparing B to E. Honestly, from what you have told me...the two cannot compare. B sounds like a better match for you.
Let B know what you've gone through with E. Let him know you want to go slow. Let him know you want to enjoy each moment with him and you want to continue getting to know him for awhile. That's sometimes the best part of the relationship...the beginning where everything is new and you can start with a clean slate. At the same time, be sure to communicate honestly.
Im sorry you've had to deal with such drama from a guy who should be acting like a grown man. Instead he sounds really immature and manapulative. Move on from him, cut ties and keep busy with things that matter. E doesn't know what he really has...he just thinks you're a little puppy dog. So kick his ass to the curb and leave him in the past.
I hope this helps. You also may want to post this in datinandrelatin
Good Luck. Feel free to let us know what happens:) just link us back to this post!
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