Feb 18, 2009 01:00
It's an awkward feeling, posting in this dusty old thing. The amount of time that this journal (I guess that it's a blog, but that doesn't feel right) has been in existence borders on surreality, as do most of the memories contained therein.
Mine is a loathsome condition. I can memorize and readily recall a formidable amount of useful and tangential information, but my entire life is to me a vaporous cocktail of anecdotes devoid of relevance or position in time. It occasionally grasps me, the disquieting idea that I will have lived a life that I will scarcely be able to be nostalgic about. Such worries are assuaged by the idea that I simply have more room for things that I will actually need. Memories are overrated.
End drivel.
I need not describe my recent doings, as I'm sure that any current or past high school senior knows all too well the implications. At this point, I've been accepted to UNC and UW Bothell. Word from the rest is forthcoming, and the suspense is killing me.
-Beginning December 28th, I've been keeping a physical journal on my person at all times. It's less of a chronology of my life and more of a waste bin for ideas, striking happenings, or (as is most often the case) complete nonsense. It's been incredibly useful and I intend to continue indefinitely.
-I decided late last year that I would take one picture every day of 2009 on a disposable camera. I've been faithful, taking shots of people, places, things, and logging it all in the aforementioned journal. The idea is that I will not take the cameras to be developed until the first day of 2010, at which point I will do... something. I haven't quite figured that part out yet. I'm on my second camera.
-Music I really dig lately: Bon Iver, Dr. Dog, Titus Andronicus, The Dodos
-Tomorrow, I am attending Volunteer Orientation at the Denver KGNU station. Barring immediate disqualification, my objective is to do some DJ'n on good old AM radio. Once I take the classes, I will theoretically be given a 3 A.M. slot to prove myself, at which point I will be asked to return or kicked to the curb. The former, please!