Plot Synopsis #3 (Remembering)

Dec 08, 2009 00:49

Remembering is the title of my third ever short story. I plan on working this into a longer piece once I have the time, so I'm anticipating difficulties with length.

My story starts out in the present, with a girl driving to an airport after a funeral. The funeral was for a man who she considered to be her big brother, a person that she grew up with a cared about. The man was only 37 years and had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The girl relives the funeral scene as she's driving, after remembering a time that she had gone to the grocery store with him when she was five. Then the story jumps back to when the girl first found out that one of the people she cares about most is dying and that there is nothing she can do to help him. The story unfolds as she follows him on his journey to right his wrongs and come to peace with the life he has already led, and the life he will never have.

This is a little blurb that I came up with randomly at one a.m. I thought it was pointless, but I looked it over in the morning and decided to go with it.

As I drive home from his parents’ house, I remember that I was five once and that when I was five, he had been twenty-two. I remember holding his hand as we walked through the supermarket. My arm was above my head, even though he was leaning a little to the side to accommodate me. My left hand was at my mouth, my thumb being sucked on. It was a nasty habit that had stuck with me. I can’t remember now what we had been looking for, but that detail is irrelevant. The only part that matters is the fact that I still remember him. I don’t want him to fade away and this memory reassures me, even though it’s only been two hours since they closed his casket and lowered it into the earth.
As I drive, I still hear the thud,
of the hot, dry, California soil hitting the sleek, black coffin. Before then, it really hadn’t seemed real, but now I had found that what happened was real, and that I would have to learn to cope with my loss.

I had been sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee like any other day when suddenly, my life changed. My apartment was a small, cozy, homely place and I found comfort in it. Pictures of family and friends were hung everywhere; they reminded me, still reminded me, of home. I had chosen to go to college 3,000 miles away for a single reason: freedom. I looked up at the clock and sighed. I had twenty miles till I had to get up off my ass, stop thinking of home, and get ready for classes. It wasn’t as if I was going to learn anything. I was still pondering why he had woke me up at 6 a.m. and told me that he had something to say that I needed to know. Why had he done that? Why had he told me that he was catching a flight to tell me? Why did he say that he needed to be here, to tell me in person? Something wasn’t right and half of me didn’t want to know what was wrong, but the other half was hating the fact that I had to wait until 5:30 to get an answer.


short story, fiction writing, plot synopsis

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