
Nov 17, 2005 22:51

Hey there Journal, it's that time again!

So where do I drop the emotional baggage today? n.n

4U would scare me...if Lit ever scared me at all. My High School teacher would cry in outrage at the n00b teaching us college literature.

I miss her. In a completely weirdly-filial teacher-student kind of way.

"She's so nice...but blur...and dense. Which is the same thing but not technically in her case." Exactly what I was thinking, Sherry. Same book? Check. Same page? Check.

After 6 months of us, she's decided to quit next sem. I feel guilty.

On the other hand, I couldn't keep glaring at people tempted to ask "...Are you really qualified for this?" now could I? Keith for instance, has the shortest fuse and can give the most merciless comments.

Yay. One week before my Organizational Studies ISU Presentation. Normally I'm all for public speaking...this Junior Toastmasters paper thing has to count for something - but I feel so rusty.

...Coincidentally, my 4U essay is due the same day.

The Bleach Fandom is exploding. What do you call the fandom equivalent of a baby boom?

But there are so many Hitsugaya X Hina fans among the younger generation...which is not bad, but rather...I don't know...my head is too filled with IchiRuki to comment. Maybe if the two couples would interact with each other more....

Not that I hate HxH. I love em. I'm planning to do a fic for them later.

...After TtW.

Kodomo no Omocha Anime was a disappointment. Get the manga. The first box set was so promising...why did they have to come up with their own ending?

Anyway, Volume 7-10 eats the anime raw.

Ah, Data Management. Why do you hate me? I mean, we started off great...did your cousins say anything bad about me? I tried to be loyal, really, but you grew so cold as the weeks went on....

So, yeah, I'm crawling back to you. The exam is in a week. I'd be grateful if you at least took me back in. Let me have the damn 25-30%. If He is feeling especially generous, maybe I'll get 50...and we can add that and get 75....

>_> Right.

Finally managed to RC a stun dipper into a greed sever in the arcades. Works wonders for Sols who block the second strike. After that it’s HS, 236 HS for the wakeup, and then who knows? Maybe another Greed Sever. Or if that bloody idiot actually gets hit by the wakeup, cS, 2S, ls, Stun Edge. Managed to lose to Sol-player 2-3 (Riot stamp, nailed me, RCed Tyrant Rave into Bandit Bringer...and followed with Volcanic Viper. The wall is Sol's friend, and screw the Dead Rave, that's like 65% gone already...usually I'm the one pressuring ppl at the corners. Talk about tasting your own medicine) Hopefully he'll be around next week. Like last week. ...Doesn't that guy have a home?!

...It's hard starting again with an arcade stick, after playing on a console for 4 odd years. Like...like automail limbs...gotta learn everything again.

My Kenjutsu exam is next week too. If I were made of weaker stuff, I'd be freaking out right now.

O_o Maybe I am.
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