Wow. How did that gap get there?

Oct 13, 2005 20:30

Make it stooooooop~

T_T I mean, it's not getting to the point where my head is exploding...but seriously. I've had to sacrifice a couple of Daa! Daa! Daa! And Tsubasa. And my dear TtW. And the fall contest, but there's always next time. Should I even be writing in this? (Glances shiftily) I mean, I could squeeze in a little bit of fic time...

Or studying.

Or sleep?

The age-old slack off...or not to slack off...?

Ah, whatever. This is excellent stress relief.

I mean it's like talking to yourself...aloud.

Well, yeah. I've never written in a journal before, you can pick yourself off the floor now.

Used somebody else's ID to gain access to the computers again. They must be letting me in on purpose.

Dutydude ~ "Hey. That student is sneaking in using someone else's ID again."

Dutygal ~ "Let's just pretend we didn't get a good look at his face. Like last time. Try not to snicker."

Dutydude ~ "...But he's using a girl's ID this time!"

Dutygal ~ "...S'all good, s'all good."


I could just get a new ID, but then I'd be a manga short this weekend, right? Besides, what can I do when Fathom is only available on the College Comps?

T_T And for the record, I worry incessantly about To the Wind. Take heart that it's always on my mind.

...If there's anyone out there left.

Three days to triple the pain those two have been through.

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